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What is Remote Video Training?

Remote Video Training is a high-performance video delivery and management tool which will manage and deliver your corporate training for your employees. Crucially, a a training package is not fixed, you can amend and update you training as your business defines and manage attendance for employees as you see fit.

Unlimited candidates

You can deliver exactly the same training to unlimited candidates in an ongoing manner using punchy bespoke video!

Continued development

With our innovative back end system your training package can develop with your company, allowing you to add or delete training modules as your needs define.

Any where any time

Your candidates can access their training material any time any where. What’s more, your candidates can view it on any device including mobile.


The percentage of businesses to have delivered at least one e-learning course in the last year


The market value of e-Learning in Billions of Dollars, this is forecast to double by 2025


The percentage of training costs spent on delivery, Trainer time, Travel, Expenses etc


The percentage of of employees who state that a lack of development opportunities and training was a core reason for leaving a position

How does it work?

First, we’ll produce a whole suite of informative training films, compelling PowerPoints or graphics for you. We call these chapters. The chapters are then loaded into our bespoke software and delivered to your team. Crucially the progress of each team member is tracked and is manageable from the back end of the application, the chapters are also flexible and can be added, deleted or amended as your organisation grows and changes.

Optimise your training

Stop gambling with your training regime! Remote Video Training delivers your message directly and in a consistent manner to all of your employees in a highly bespoke manner at a fraction of the price of delivering face to face training from a training company that does not know your business. How do you control your training process? How do you make sure each employee understands your notion of best practice and compliance and how do you manage your ongoing training requirements? This is where our unique, integrated service comes into its own. To experience the power of Remote Video Training go to the Show Me page.

Why choose Remote Video Training?

Remote Video Training is the perfect way to put your Trainer on their best day in front of every member of your team!

Reduce cost

Get your your training in front of more staff, more affordably – RVT costs a fraction of delivering face-to-face training sessions.

Laser targeting

Tailor your specific training material to your business requirements – making your staff the very best they can be.


Add, remove or modify chapters as your business requirements develop in our intuitive content manager.


Most employees state that a lack of training and opportunity as a reason for leaving an organisation – keep your team motivated with engaging and stimulating training.


Standardise your training presentations – ensure that you retain control of your brand and the message that you present.

High Impact

Harness the power of video and sound to create a stimulating and permanently available training library.


Get instant feedback on the performance and progress of your team and simultaneously manage re-training requirements.

Training and consultancy

We will not pretend to know your organisation, but we will listen, learn and work with you to generate a training library that will help you get the most from your team.

Any device anywhere

Both you and your team can undertake and review Remote Video Training anywhere and on any device; Android, Mac, PC, iPad and iPhone.


Designed to communicate your corporate training library online, RVTs give you the power to target all employees no matter how dispersed they are in a consistent manner and showcase best practice and corporate compliance to a range of requirements defined by your business.

Show Me!

Talk is cheap, we know. So let us show you how Remote Video Training works. Please use the form and we will send you some information and you can judge for yourself. Your information will only be used to show you and demonstrate our product.