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Hosting & support

Reliable hosting and support

For most companies, the hosting of their website, or application, seems like an easy choice – after all, every hosting company provides the same service, don’t they? Nothing could be further from the truth. And to select a hosting company based on just price alone can also get clients into trouble. A cheap, unreliable hosting solution could quite easily kill off a website and a company’s reputation with it.

A fast, dependable web hosting service, like the kind we offer our clients, not only ensures that their site remains up twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, but also confirms the quality of the services they require. Our hosting package comes with full technical support and a guarantee of overall performance.

Dedicated servers

Ideally, your website, or application, should be hosted on your own country's servers. Our servers are located within the most advanced UK data centres. We’re able to accommodate all your hosting needs on our fast, high-tech servers, so why not let one of our team present you with an overview of the specs and performance levels of our range.

Support and maintenance

The Contrast team like nothing better than providing top-notch services and solutions for your business. Helping you is our top priority. We’re devoted to building happy and long-lasting relationships, and as far as hosting and support services is concerned, we offer high bandwidth, daily back-ups, security certificates, regular security updates and much, much more. Get in contact to learn more about any of our support packages.


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