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How it works

Our team uses PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, to help market our clients’ businesses. This is a very successful method of internet marketing. The way it works is advertisers pay a fee every time one of their advertisements or messages is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way companies can ‘buy’ visits to their websites.

Its an auction

To use PPC, advertisers need to make bids for advertisement placements in a search engine's sponsored links. When someone searches a keyword that is related to the advertiser’s business offering, their advertisement pops up.

Sending you visitors

For example, if a heavy-duty truck hire company bids on the keywords Heavy-Duty Truck Hire, their advertisement may well show up on the first page of Google. Every time the advertisement is clicked, it sends the visitor to the truck hire website.

Pay less get better results

Companies can pay less for their clicks if they create well-designed pay-per-click campaigns. Google, for instance, charges less per click for well-planned advertisements and landing pages, which means there’s more profit for their business.

Research pays

A successful PPC campaign takes time to set up. Research is key, as well as the selection of pertinent keywords that fit well in the correct advertisement groups. A good campaign also involves setting up PPC landing pages that convert customer clicks into sales.

Lets get started

If you’d like us to help create your very own PPC campaign, why not get in touch. We’re standing by to advise and create a perfectly tailored PPC campaign for you.

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