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Software Demo Videos

A software demo video shows off your software applications in action. Whether giving step-by-step training, or just promoting features and benefits to customers, this type of video helps to make your apps tangible and accessible.

Using a combination of motion graphics, screen capture, voiceover, or an on-camera presenter, we make it easy for the viewer to engage and understand your software application. Our creative team will work with you to fully understand your business goals, your product, and your brand message, so that the result will be a video that's uniquely yours – creative and clear – blending seamlessly into your existing marketing mix.

The bigger picture

Software demo videos and tutorial films have three main objectives – they either inform, educate, or reveal the benefits of the software to help facilitate a sale or subscription. In our experience, customers tend to focus on the minutiae and lose sight of the bigger picture, so we ensure your video meets the objectives and outcomes you require.

Make it human

As a sales tool, many software companies use screen-share videos and tutorials to demonstrate their software to customers. Sadly, this kind of presentation is often dull and boring and usually has a negative effect on the viewer. At Contrast Design we know how to turn this around and make people sit up and take note. How? Well, using a range of creative treatments and techniques, we produce more personable, entertaining, and memorable video presentations.

Tell a story

We are experts at applying special effects and creating a compelling story out of your software demo videos. Taking a dry screen recording and flipping it so the viewer is left feeling inspired, is exactly what our team has been doing since 2003.

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